Broad Branch Farm

Broad Branch Farm is an organic family farm located in central Illinois near Wyoming, Illinois. Here we raise clean food - vegetables, eggs from pastured hens, grass fed grass finished beef, and pastured pigs. The farm is a busy place but we try to take an occasional break and share some of the amazing moments and hardships that come with our farming way of life.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

From The Mouths Of Babes

Last week it was time to move the hens to new pasture and Brian requested my help with that project.   So, Laura and I went down to the field and got ready to help.  The area where the laying hens are kept is inside a double wire electric fence that runs around the entire perimeter of the grazing area.  Inside this double wire is the chicken netting that keeps the chickens in and the predators out - at least the four-legged kind.  All of the wires are 'hot' meaning they are charged with the electrice fence charger you see above.

Laura was happily sitting on the ground outside the fence playing with a kitty cat while Brian and I discussed what was going to happen with moving the hens.  "Having fun Laura?"  we asked her as she looked so cute in the bright sunshine and green lush grass.  Just a perfect picture as we smiled at her.  She replied in her 2-year old language something like, "Uh, blah, blah, uhhhh, fence on."

 "Oh no, we said, don't turn the fence on.  That's a no no!" Brian had turned off the fencer so it was safe to touch the wires.   We didn't want Laura anywhere near the fence for fear she would get zapped OR she might turn it on while we're inside the fence.

And the rest of the story goes something like this.

Anita:  "Brian, you better disconnect something on that fencer or she might turn it on.  I know she knows how to turn the dial.  I saw her do it last summer."

Brian:  Long pause....."Naaah, she won't touch it.  Let's go."  And he places his hands on the wires.


Brian: "Dang it! She already turned it on!  Yikes!"  Shakes his hand profusely trying to rid it of the 'tingly' feeling from the shock.

Anita:  Laughing too hard to speak.

Laura: Singing a merry tune to herself.

So you see, we need to listen to what comes out of the mouths of babes for they speak the truth.   And obviously these parents need to pay better attention to a certain clever or maybe mischievous little girl.