Broad Branch Farm

Broad Branch Farm is an organic family farm located in central Illinois near Wyoming, Illinois. Here we raise clean food - vegetables, eggs from pastured hens, grass fed grass finished beef, and pastured pigs. The farm is a busy place but we try to take an occasional break and share some of the amazing moments and hardships that come with our farming way of life.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chicks In The Mail

Ten days ago we received 50 new layers - Ameraucanas - the kind that lay the blue green eggs. The day new chicks arrive begins with a phone call at about 7 a.m. from the post office in Wyoming just 4 miles west of here. Postal employee Kathy always calls and says, "Chicks are here!" and we always reply "We'll be right in!"

All our chicks come from Welp Hatchery in Iowa. The chicks survive the 2 day journey with no supplemental food or water. Apparently, prior to completely hatching, the young chicks absorb the remaining egg yolk which supplies them with the nutrients they need for the first 3 days of life.

These chicks arrived in great condition and there is no greater thrill for Laura and Susannah than gently handling the tiny chicks.

Susannah Holds The Box With The 50 New Chicks

Susannah Gently Lifts The New Chicks Out Into The Brooder

The chicks are kept in a warm dry brooder for the first few weeks of their life where heat lamps keep them close to 90 degrees at first.  Gradually the chicks do not need extra heat and are eventually heading outside to explore the world.

And Here A Chick Gets A First Drink