Broad Branch Farm

Broad Branch Farm is an organic family farm located in central Illinois near Wyoming, Illinois. Here we raise clean food - vegetables, eggs from pastured hens, grass fed grass finished beef, and pastured pigs. The farm is a busy place but we try to take an occasional break and share some of the amazing moments and hardships that come with our farming way of life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Take Organic Action

Not so long ago, it seems like we were just keeping our heads above water. The babies were babies and we were so preoccupied with just making a living and raising our kids that we spent little time advocating for organic. And then we met our friends Janet and Greg Morse of Trail's End Organic Farm. Many times we were late for chores or late for supper because of our long, lively talks with Greg. Through these hours of discussion, he and Janet showed us the big picture. This picture taught us that as organic farmers, we are advocates. We cannot turn our heads to the soil, bury ourselves in work and ignore what is happening around us. As organic farmers, it is part of our job description to protect the integrity of local organic food and further the cause of a local organic food system.

As consumers and supporters of local organic food, you also must step up and support the farmers that feed you. Brian and I are just 2 voices but all of you folks are much, much more. And it is your voices that will tip the scales.

On January 6th, I attended the first meeting of the Illinois Organic Growers Association. This is something Illlinois has needed for a long time. Although in its infancy, this new association promises to bring growers and supporters of organic agriculture in Illinois together. I was there to bring attention to the issue of spray drift from conventional farms - probably the single most difficult issue the IOGA will confront. But by bringing all of us together, we'll be able to tell Springfield what is on our mind: local organic food is important and we want it protected. You will be hearing about the new IOGA in the coming months. You can be sure we will keep you informed.

Now, here is a list of current organizations who are all doing good work.  At the very least, get yourself signed up to receive email action alerts about important policy issues where your response could help save organic food.

Get Involved! Support A Clean Environment and Local Organic Food

Environment Illinois

Illinois Stewardship Alliance

Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Illinois Department Of Agriculture - Pesticide Misuse

Spray Drift Education Network

Living On Earth - NPR Weekly Environmental News Show

Pesticide Action Network

Safer Pest Control Project
Chicago Based Organization Working To Reduce The Use of Pesticides

The Cornucopia Institute

The Center For Food Safety

The Greenest Elvis You'll Ever Meet - Excellent CD!

Organic Consumers Association